Going Too Far
How far can you go to make sure you can win? Maybe the old adage “win at any cost” is true. At least it seems so with President Trump. His hunt for dirt on Joe Biden is such that he would solicit the input of Ukraine and China to get information on Hunter Biden’s dealings in those countries. Though Hunter efforts are ill advised, they have been proven legal under current law after a number of investigations. That is not enough for the President and his henchman-attorney Rudy Glulliani. Together, they seek to carry out their own investigation with the help of the Attorney General, the State Department, Other Departments, and even foreign governments, with the threat of withholding funds or postponing visits. It may be how thing are done but it doesn’t Make it right. It is just the opposite. It seems downright wrong.
I must admit I am sensitive to Hunter. It must have not been easy as child to have your mother and sister killed in a tragic automobile accident where you were a passenger. No matter how many train trips Joe Biden made as a Senator, he was gone a lot. Though Bo seemed to thrive, I have learned that loss affects children differently. Bo’s tragic death due to cancer did not help. Hunter must have a profound sense of loss.. His whole family seems to die. May be his trouble with the reserves was his effort to self-medicate. This is ill advised but understandable. Hunter may be extremely fractured. Joe Biden’s dilemma is is it more important to save this country from Trump or to support his only surv iving child. It is difficult decision and I think he is doing the best that he can. He is very fortunate to find a beautiful, smart and understanding second wife in Dr. Jill Biden, but still it rests on his shoulders.
Donald Trump does not have this problem. Not even his serial relationships or his many marriages have dampened his commitment to win at any cost. His privileged upbringing seems to only serve to reinforce his opinion that he can do no wrong. His opinions are always the most informed, most well thought out, most reasoned possible. His children, particular the older ones, are content to exploit this as the TRUMP name is commercialized worldwide. He does not believe he can make a mistake. I think anyone who believes this way is well on their way to being foolish.
You can go too far. Such seems to be the case in the Ukraine situation. In an effort to uncover corruption in the Hunter Biden’s dealings on the Board of a Ukrainian company, thus implicating Joe Biden, Trump was willing to holdup $400 million in aid previously appropriated by congress. He had dispatched Rudy Giuliiani, his personal attorney, as an emissary , bypassing the traditional ways of dealing with foreign governments. He proceeded even though he was warned that these actions were illegal.-But in an effort to get what he wanted, Trump was not only willing to ignore protocol, but to violate laws and even ignore the constitution. He went too far.
Whether the Senate votes to remove Trump from the Presidency, the House is right to proceed with the impeachment inquiry. There is more than enough evidence to go forward. The aura of the invincible presidency may have been penetrated. Trump may have gone too far.