Can Racism Be Ended?
Ever since the original slave ship arrived in 1619, America has struggled with racism. Although indentured servants came in all races,...

I Pledge Allegiance...
I Pledge Allegiance… There seems to be question to whom we owe allegiance. The pledge to the flag seems to be very clear that we owe...

Do Unto Others...
Recently we have been hit by a tweet storm as the President of the United States seeks to vanquish his enemies by being meaner to them...
Even a Broken Clock is Right Twice a Day
The recent Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) decision that the Congressional maps in North Carolina were gerrymandered...

Is Money Really That Important?
We are often appalled by the wealth gap that exits in America. Not only are there tremendous difference in the pay for top executives and...

Cyber Spying
How social media has influenced our system of privacy We watch in awe as the President of the United States communicates his displeasure...

Some is Not Enough
I recently saw a TV episode where Roland Martin led a panel discussing President Donald Trump’s plan to provide increased financial...

There Must Be A Better Way
There is too much violence in the world. There can be no denying that violence by Al-Qaeda, drones, or beheadings have caused the world...

Much Ado About Nothing
In Shakespeare’s great play, Much Ado About Nothing, comic relief is provided by Dogberry, a character that we are often stumped by and...

President Trump
To say I was disappointed in the results of the election on November 8th would be a great understatement. I was an ardent supporter of...